My second bitcoin run was in Câmpulung Muscel, the town closest to my ❤️ and where I grew up in:

Câmpulung Bitcoin Run
Câmpulung Bitcoin Run Animation

Bitcoin Run statistics

It took me around an hour for around 8.2 km:

Câmpulung Bitcoin Run Statistics
Câmpulung Bitcoin Run Statistics

👉 Complete details

Funny enough, once a year when I come back to Câmpulung, I walk more or less the same route as this Bitcoin Run, and I take pictures. Here are some pictures from this particular bitcoin run.

Bitcoin Run City Tour Pictures

As usual, I stopped at some of Campulung’s points of interested to take pictures. You can see all of them if you click on the photo icon in the following map:

More about the individual places in the paragraphs below 👇

The start point is at Casa de cultură Tudor Mușatescu (en. “Culture House Tudor Mușatescu”), a place I passed by like millions of times in my life

Culture House Tudor Mușatescu
Culture House Tudor Mușatescu

Vis-à-vis, at the northern end of the Pardon Boulevard (currently closed for renovations), I run by Biserica Sfantu Nicolae (en. St. Nicholas Church), the place where I got married and baptized my smaller son in:

St. Nicholas Church
St. Nicholas Church

50m further north you can find the oldest hotel in town “Hotel Muscelul”, sadly still a reminder of communist times. This is where I had the party after baptizing my smaller son:

Hotel Muscelul
Hotel Muscelul

Across the road from the hotel you can find the best “merdenele” (cheese pastry) in town, some say in the country, at “Patiseria Iepurașul” (en. Bunny Pastry)

Patiseria Iepurașul
Patiseria Iepurașul

Next to the pastry you can visit the City Museum, to learn about the town’s history and see some old weapons and stuffed animals:

Câmpulung City Museum
Câmpulung City Museum

50m further you can see the Piata centrală (en. Central Square) and the town hall:

Central Square Câmpulung
Central Square Câmpulung

The town hall, a closer look:

Town Hall
Town Hall

On top of the B I cross the first bridge on my run, from which you can see Vârful Mateiaș (en. Mateiaș Summit). This is where some bloody fights took place in the first world war. You can visit there the Mausoleul de la Mateiaș, a place dedicated to those fallen in battle:

View Râul Targului & Varful Mateias
View Râul Targului & Vârful Mateiaș

I found this small church hidden behind the biggest buildings of the town

Old small church
Old small church

Half way on my run I reach one of my dearest view points, where you can a panoramic view on the town and surrounding mountains

Câmpulung Panorama View
Câmpulung Panorama View

Behind you can see the highest hill in Romania, Mățău (1017 m)

Dealul Mățău
Dealul Mățău

Going little further down the B, I leave behind the Biserica Flămânda (en. Flămânda Church)

Biserica Flămânda
Biserica Flămânda

In the down right corner of B I pass by the high school I attended and spent four wonderful years in, Dinicu Golescu High School:

Dinicu Golescu High School
Dinicu Golescu High School

Next to Dinicu Golescu High School, I took a peek at the Negru Vodă Monastery, from 14th century:

Negru Vodă Monastery
Negru Vodă Monastery

On the way back to city center I pass by the Grand Royal Hotel, an architectural masterpiece, left unfortunately to the forces of degradation

Royal Square and Hotel
Royal Square and Hotel

Close to the Pardon Boulevard there is the public garden Merci, built in 1885. It is close to my parents house, and it has also a playground where I hang out with my kids sometimes:

Merci Public Garden
Merci Public Garden

Nearing the end of my bitcoin run I pass the last bridge, and I take a last picture. I used to bathe in Râul Târgului (en. Town’s River) when I was little and in Crețulescu Park I used to ride my back in:

Crețulescu Park & Râul Târgului
Crețulescu Park & Râul Târgului

This is probably the most emotional and to me the most valuable bitcoin. Câmpulung has still a lot of hidden gems, the cleanest air in Romania and I hope you want to discover it by now.

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